Light Up Night in Caste Village was a bit damp and cold outside, but on the inside of everyone’s heart who attended, there was a sense of warmth and holiday spirit in this wonderful community that surrounds Caste Village.

Traditions seem to be needing a helping hand everywhere nowadays and its fantastic that we can find old and new traditions mingling with the folks inside the Commons of this special shopping center.
The arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus from the light swirling beacons of the Whitehall Fire Company truck set the tone of merriment early with all the excited girls, boys, parents and grandparents.
Everyone had their phones ready to get the perfect shot of this power couple as they greeted kids and gatherers around the unlit Christmas tree. The switch was thrown and the tree was lit. Smiles were everywhere and people posed with Santa and Mrs. Claus by the tree.
The two continued inside to their decorated seating area and line of excited children and parents. It was a wonderful site to see. Flanking Santa and Mrs. Claus was a station for coloring and crafts sponsored by the Whitehall Lions Club which was really fun and functional for parents. Kids were able to color and chat with painted faces and just have fun and it was so nice that parents could just take a breath and relax for some moments.
Circling around the commons you could see people lining up for fantastic face painting creations by an unbelievably quick and talented artist from Mike the Balloon Guy and Company.
She was making children look like reindeer with glitter, grinches and grinchettes. She was even able to make it look like kids were wearing stocking caps on their foreheads with glasses delicately perched on their noses. With one hand holding the Childs head and the other hand creatively swirling purposeful strokes, she painted her 3 minute masterpieces, and the best part was when she held up the mirror. The kid canvases could see the creations and it was smile after big smile.
Moving left from this station in a counter clockwise motion around the commons balloon animals were being squeezed and twisted to life by Mike the Balloon Guy himself. With a quick question he would find out what was wanted, then with sounds of captured air, rubber and color became a reindeer or a candy canes. This was so cool and fun. Everyone in line was excited.
How could it have gotten any more festive or fun? Try the School of Rock covering sweet 90’s songs by the likes of Sound Garden, Tom Petty and more with a dusting of Christmas songs rounding out the set list. The music was all being played by local teenagers involved in the School of Rock South Hills. What! It was awesome. What a moment and what a place.
Thank you to all who attended Light Up Night in Caste Village.
Thank you to the Medical Rescue Team South Authority EMT’s in the Ambulance out front collecting Toys for Tots and showing kids how cool it is to be a critical link of care. Thank you to the Whitehall Police for having a presence and keeping us all safe. Thank you to the Whitehall Fire Company for brining Santa and Mrs. Claus. Thank you to Sunshine Acres Carriage rides and the team of horses that braved the rain. Thank you to the vendors, Mike the Balloon Guy and Company, Wild River Kettle Korn, School of Rock South Hills. Thank you to all the Merchants in Caste Village that have their stores decorated so beautifully and thank you for being awesome with the community oriented activities we do. Thank you Santa and Mrs. Claus. Thank you to all the Caste Village staff that worked so hard. We appreciate you. We are all blessed to have one another and want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and happy holidays with peace on earth and good will toward man. Thank you from the Shoppes at Caste Village.
Caste Village
Medical Rescue Team South Authority
Whitehall Fire Company, Station 301
Whitehall Borough Police Department
Mike the Balloon Guy and Company
School of Rock South Hills